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Free hugs from Obie 30th November

Writer's picture: Nick MairNick Mair

🐶🐶🐶 Free Hug Thursday is coming Thursday 30th November 🐶🐶🐶

Where: Brisbane Central Train Station exit in ANZAC square.

When: From 08:00am

Why: Celebrating the official end to Movember and Obie wants to bumsniff and hug ever person who has supported the Movember cause and tolerated those itchy mo's, or had to tolerate looking at it in the mirror, or in person all month!

Obie and I are coming in to the citaaaay to share some love, spread the word of dogs positive effect on everyone's mental health, not just blokes.

Join us for a hug. She is a huge hug-tart and loves the attention. Life's too short not to get random hugs!

From 09:30am, we will head up Ann Street to meet the WRM Water & Environment Pty Ltd team and thank them for having me present last month. Obie is the perfect pup to get cuddles from and thank them in person!

If you cant make it and want a random Obie hug or bumsniff, let me know and I will try walk your way. Or, you can meet her on the last Friday of every month on the Monthly Mairy Meander! 😜

Hopefully meet you there. Obie is excited! (FYI Jett the black spaniel will get too anxious and overwhelmed, so he is at home safe chilling out).

As always, if you need to talk, chat, cry, vent, or get a random dog hug, you are not alone. Feel free to reach out to me or one of the many support organisations like MovemberBeyond BlueMENSLINE AUSTRALIALifeline Australia, or Suicide Prevention Australia.


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